Hey, Zeek Williams here.

A little bit about me and my work, some of which you are seeing here.

My painting style varies greatly depending on the piece, while some are as realistic as possible others tend to be entirely abstract, and still others seek to be a mix of the two. I say they seek to be because achieving this proves to be at times difficult. Sometimes I will set out on my painting journey with plans of sticking strictly to the path of realism, and while it seems to be working I will suddenly get this great abstract idea that somehow derails the original concept. While this is sometimes frustrating I think it gives the piece more of a unique story and impressionistic style. "Whatever you gotta' tell yourself am I right," yeah I don’t like them all but at the same time I expect that everyone else will, kidding, or am I.

At the moment my inventory consists only of original oil paintings but I do other types of work, including but not limited to charcoal and graphite drawings. I do hope to offer some prints of these and other pieces in the future.


I was born in Alaska and grew up all over the American west. I have visited every state from coast to coast, I have been as far north as the arctic circle and as far south as the Panama canal. 

Growing up in so many places, and traveling (even the small amount that I have) has given me perspective on my work and life in general. Diverse story settings and characters come easier to me the more that I see of our world. 

My top goals in life are, First to entertain and inspire others through my painting’s/ drawings, writing and even song, (when I do someday record something). 

The second is to experience as many parts of the world as possible. If travel was free I would be in a new country every year.

I currently live in western Colorado